"Don't wish me happiness I don't expect to be happy all the time....It's gotten beyond that somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor. I will need them all." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Friday, 7 August 2015

Seasonal changes

Summer in a subtle way is shifting to fall. Evenings are not quite as long before the ribbons of a fading sunset tie a bow in the sky. Squirrels have begun harvesting cones in the tree tops around the cabin and I've been busy working on a myriad of projects - most of which are still undone and in various stages of being completed and other projects that I haven't started - like the woodshed. So I have no beautiful photo's of any completed work but I've been busy. It's nice to work outside - everything is dry and it's pleasantly warm but most of all life is peaceful and for that I am eternally grateful. Last winter I learned a technique on how to store firewood in this environment and this winter I am implementing it on all of my wood. The stovepipe has been cleaned but the top of the stove needs touchups and the new seal for the door needs to be glued in place. Mornings are silent - the nesting birds have faded away like the early dawn. Sea breezes in tree leaves sing a lullaby for the nesting mice in my shed. Wait a minute! Their gone now - I evicted them. Some days I keep the cabin windows closed but I like to open them - just to hear the falling rain. The reality is we are somewhere between late summer and early fall. When does one begin and the other end? To me they mingle together like the red and yellow on a once green leaf.
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  1. When I read your title, Ronda, my mind literally yelled no!!! I am not ready for fall and winter again. It was a really long cold few months around here and I am still reveling in the lazy, hazy, hot and humid barefoot days of summer. Admittedly, your photo and words are truly beautiful and fall does bring so many wonderful things, but the bone chilling cold and endless snow of last year still looms large in my mind and I am not ready to face it again! I am glad your mice are gone. They're much cuter in storybooks that real life! ;-)

    1. Hi Kim I am glad your still having summer. Our weather has become cool- earlier than usual but we did have an early start to summer. Enjoy your bare feet. Ronda

  2. I caught the excitement and loveliness of autumn in your words, Rhoda. And such beautiful words they were. Some have the gift of packing so much into a few sentences and you are one of them.

    1. Thank you Dewena and thank you for coming by.

  3. oh ronda thank you for this post.
    your reality is my dream.
    autumn speaks to me like no other season.
    though i do love the bare boned starkness of winter too.
    but ... the cool mists... the rain enjoyed by an open window...
    these are such gifts that autumn days bring.
    your description is beyond pretty words. i could literally feel it!
    our high summer heat ... excessive now... will go on until almost december. last year we didn't even have autumn.
    the leaves simply stayed on the trees...burnt up and turned brown and then fell. some didn't even fall til this spring.
    not good for them. or for us humans.
    so... i truly soaked up every word here. it was like a healng special cool drink of the best kind of fresh water! xoxo thank you!

    1. Hi Tammy I am glad you enjoyed my post. I can't imagine the kind of heat that is your reality...I do hope this year you do get an autumn with rain...lots of it. Rain is a precious gift - and it is my water supply. Sending you a hug.

  4. Oh how I love to read your musings. Whether you intend to write poetry or not, your writing is brilliantly observant, full of simile, metaphor at times, but most of all, celebrating daily life. Ronda, my summer is coming to an end and it is also marked by the shorter evenings, the spider webs that appear in the garden that tell me summer is over, and the school meetings are about to begin. Yes, there are distinct markers of change, then there are the subtle ones as you beautifully describe at the end, and those are the ones I prefer, those that gracefully merge into one.

    Peace and goodness to you ! Anita

    1. Anita I look forwards to your comments - they often give me insight of where I could go with this if I kept writing and that is very interesting and useful. We don't have spider webs - yet - we need cooler weather but I do find them fascinating. I hope you are prepared and 'ready' for your return to the classroom.

  5. GOod morning dearest Ronda! Thank you kindly for coming to visit my post. While my post is borderline poetry (lack of better line breaks due to insertion of photo render my posts just so so iin terms of real poetry), I do strive to use WORDS and metaphor or other devices of figurative speech to invent IMAGERY. You have a natural talent for this, and it IS words that create the poetry. We are the keepers of the words and set them free with talents and skills, but they are the real worker bees in the garden of poetry. AND.....to quote the poet Mallarmé: "One does not make poetry with ideas but with words." Enjoy your Sunday. Anita

  6. Hello,
    We are also starting to feel Autumn in the air. I am getting ready for the change of season.

    1. Hi Carla My next post is inspired by your comment. Thanks for coming by.
