"Don't wish me happiness I don't expect to be happy all the time....It's gotten beyond that somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor. I will need them all." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

A big thank you and creating social change

A BIG thank you to everyone who came to my studio and bought. I deeply appreciate your support. Because of you these kids will receive food and clothing. Because of you these kids will receive love. I am both deeply passionate and disturbed by the injustice being done to these innocent kids. We as a rich, western society can not simply abandon our children just because for whatever reason their parent's have. These children may be undesirable as foster children in the sense that they may have drug and alcohol issues and other poor and or bad behaviour (ie. stealing) but that is still not an excuse to care for them. I do not have any experience with advocating social change through our political system but I do understand that I need to contact the local mp. I do not see myself as one with the skills or resources to do something about this situation. But I can not sit silent at this injustice so until someone else more qualified than myself takes the reins I will do my best to help these kids. If you have homeless kids in your town what is being done about it? Have you advocated for social change and do you have any advice for me? The picture is of my daughter feeding a chickadee in our yard.
Sent from my iPhone


  1. Hi,
    I love the photo of your daughter feeding the chickadee.

    Yes, we have teens that are moving about from house to house. Many are young girls, that go to live with an older boy friend.
    One of my friends saw a young girl walking the highway on a cold winter morning with out a jacket on. She ran out to find out what was going on. The girl was walking to school, and it would have been over a five mile walk on a bitter cold morning, with no jacket.
    The girl said she had slept at her boyfriends and needed to get to school.

  2. And it's this....feeding and sheltering one another in need. This is what HE taught us to do. You live a rich life my friend, and now these teens have been shown the greatest love of all. Bless you!

  3. There are so many in need and I am sure, that problems or not, the sweet hand that reaches out makes them feel worthy and that is so important. I volunteer a lot, but I do not have any experience as an advocate for social change. Perhaps putting the name and address of the center that cares for the children in your sidebar could help. That would give those of us who were unable to be at your sale an opportunity to send a small donation. That is social change! ;) Great photo...your daughter is a bird whisperer!

    1. Hi Kim My daughter has observed me feeding the chickadee's. Their very trusting, friendly, joyous little souls. For the most part - other than the early summer they are year round residents. There is no centre or anybody that is responsible for looking out for these kids. Our government which is not providing foster care to them does not have an alternate plan other than abandonment. The vice principal of the high school where these particular kids attend is out of the goodness of her heart distributing to these kids what I send her as there is need. If you or somebody else wants to make a small donation I don't know how to set it up or even where to start. I'm still thinking about this...lol and am really into hearing any suggestions. I think it's super great you have volunteer experience - it can be a great way to enrich the lives of both yourself and other's. Thank you for taking the time to send me your input.

  4. Dear Ronda... what a darling picture of your little angel feeding the chickadees! I have a lot of chickadees who visit my bird feeder. I've never tried to get close enough to feed them though. Maybe I will try. What do you feed them? The woodpecker I mentioned in my blog is pecking away at my bird feeder tree. I hope its not diseased inside.

    I think it is wonderful that you are being an advocate for these homeless teenagers. Your plea for the homeless teenagers comes close to home for me. My daughter's friend left home last Christmas after her mother's husband hit her in the face after an altercation, (she didn't press charges, and nothing happened). I talked to my daughter's friend, and urged her to come stay with us. We had a guest room that she could have stayed in. Her mother urged her to come live with us as well. She never came, but went to live with her boyfriend, and still lives there. This makes me very sad, because we wanted to help her, but she chose a different way. I appreciate all that you are doing to help these teens, everything you do makes a difference! May the Lord continue to bless your dear heart as you are used by the Lord to bless others!

    1. Hi I feed the chickadee's black sunflower seeds and in the cooler months suet. It's very sad when a man and/or a woman feels like domestic violence is permissible and even legitimate. It's really nice to hear from you....sending you a hug.

  5. Whau, a bird went to her hand?? Incredible! Thank you for helping the needy in society! We live in a world that numbs people to issues like the ones you mentioned. Wishing you the best!

    1. Thank you Angela and thank you for your visit.
