"Don't wish me happiness I don't expect to be happy all the time....It's gotten beyond that somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor. I will need them all." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Friday 14 December 2012

What's on my needles?

I've got two projects going one of which is a baby doll yoked style sweater but I've been having a bit of a perplexing issue and I've been indecisive which is driving me crazy. Its going to be knit in the round. From the waist to the start of the armpits is 16 inches but just how full do I want it in the waist and bust and what sort of drape is the sweater going to have? I knit an inch and thought it was to big so I pulled it off the needles. Upon closer examination I thought maybe its ok. So I spent the next hour and a half putting and rearranging and finding stitches. Of course I can't knit it in mind-numbing stockinette which at this point seems the sensible thing to do. I chose a simple lace pattern that at one point I used to knit a scarf. I don't know where the scarf went but I still had the lace pattern written down. I missed my bedtime trying to restore order to my knitting mess and then Babygirl woke up ready to play and that's when I discovered her diaper had fallen off... Now I've knit a good six inches all the while inwardly debating whether or not the sweater was to big. Last night I carefully transferred all of the stitches to a scrap piece of yarn and yes I finally decided it is to big even for my nursing boobs. So now the debate has shifted to what am I going to do since I've finally learned that to deny the obvious and continue to knit will not make the sweater smaller. So as I debate what to do I've gone back to knitting on the first project which I will show you soon. What I must tell you is how honoured I've been with regular visits from a female, anna hummingbird. It must be adventurous surviving out there and I admire the little bird's wit, strength and determination. Now I must remember to have that same spirit of adventure with my knitting before I chew down my bamboo needles in distress.
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