"Don't wish me happiness I don't expect to be happy all the time....It's gotten beyond that somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor. I will need them all." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Sunday 19 October 2014


I don't do sticky notes. I make my reminders from discarded envelopes and paper. A clip holds them together. And if need be I can attach the clip to wherever. With the changing weather marking the end of dry weather I have been putting out little notes like this one to remind myself to keep the kindling and wood box full out on the porch. It's much more agreeable to go out there in my slippers to get an armload of wood then to venture out in a down pour. Weeks ago I put out the suet (I put it away for the summer months) but the towhee and song sparrow who have regularly visited for the last couple of years have either passed away or moved on. Even the chickadees had vanished. It was horribly quiet and so still that I had to scrape mold growing on the suet. Eventually, the chickadees showed up and their little chatter attracted a song sparrow. Then, the other day a towhee arrived. My toddler took a look at the male in the feeder and said, "looks like robin." And so they do except their behaviour is a whole lot different. I'm happy to see them. Birds offer a simple companionship.

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