"Don't wish me happiness I don't expect to be happy all the time....It's gotten beyond that somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor. I will need them all." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Friday 2 May 2014

Our new neighbours

This particular nest is located ten feet off our back deck. The nest itself is in a red huckleberry I planted many years ago. I have always been enchanted with this fairytale bush with it's tiny leaves and tall, gnarly stemmed growth. Sword fern, ivy and a cedar tree are growing together enmeshed with it. Nearly every year a pair of robins will nest close by the cabin and it's all a matter of locating them as they always nest in a different spot. As I write this I smell rain coming. It's been a busy day working and then chopping a tree down with a hatchet. I'm sitting here on the firewood chopping block listening to the singing tohee while my daughter plays nearby. Life is beautiful. No matter how sad you are there is always something beautiful if only one takes the time to look outside of ourselves.

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