"Don't wish me happiness I don't expect to be happy all the time....It's gotten beyond that somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor. I will need them all." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Monday, 25 January 2016

Trust in the valley

In the silence of an evening I sit in front of a curtain less window. High overhead is a white moon and a white cloud floats on the horizon. The room is dark behind me and the moonlight brushes my wet cheek with the luminosity of promise. I follow the pathway of wordless light into the forest. I see tree trunks standing silently and sword fern fronds reaching up like children for an embrace. I don't remember what it is like to feel a mans arms anymore but I feel peace in this light knowing that I too walk my own path. It isn't one I charted - but as the moon cannot run from it's light neither can I edge off this trail. If the moon shone every night there would be no intoxicating blindness. Neither would there be sadness that clings like sand on a leaf. In time we all must find our way. Faith is mine to chose and release belongs to those who trust. Looking backwards I see the blind folly of youth and its sweet innocence but here in this mid life forest I have learned I am not to blame for what was or could have been. I know now when a tree falls to look up before moving and when the wind blows to stay home. Moonlight is deceptive. Blooming unseen beside the ferns are the white blossoms of primroses. In the morning I will see them and this is why I choose to trust in what I cannot see. "Even though I walk through the valley.....you are with me." Psalm 23:4 May I pray for you? Do you have a prayer request?

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  1. Ronda, it is good to see you pop up in my feed today. I hope you and your daughter have been well. Your words are poetry, captivating. I read them several times. Life's events and decisions do look different with the passage of time, don't they? We do the best we can at the time. I try to explain this to my own children, but they are lost in the folly you mention...and I guess that is how it should be. Thank you for sharing today.

    1. Hi Kim It's nice to hear from you and thank you for your kind words. I hope you are doing well. I haven't kept up with anything in the blogging world and the silence has been of great value to me. Thank you for stopping by. Ronda

  2. Beautiful words Rhonda... your words evoke a strong response in my heart as I read, very powerful indeed! So happy to see you blogging again, and indeed silence is valuable because we can learn so much from the Lord in those times. What a joy to sit in front of your curtainless window and think on the lessons of life that you have learned, and yet have the trust and faith to continue on the journey... a precious thought indeed! Praying for you my friend, that the Lord continues to bless and keep you in this journey you are on!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you and thank you for your visit.

  3. Beautiful words! Wishing you a great day with lots of lovely sunlight and peaceful moments!

  4. Thank you Angela and I hope you have a beautiful day too!

  5. Have you been silent lately, Rhonda? I hope I haven't missed too many of your posts because they do bring such peace to my heart. I have had my weeks of keeping silent too, and should have more as it always helps. I think you must be a very wise young woman and you have learned to listen in the valleys.

    I certainly do not choose to experience the valleys, but I would not take anything from those I've gone through as it is through them that I've most learned God's faithfulness and mercy, for me and my children--which is the same thing, isn't it?

    1. Hi Dewena It is lovely to hear from you! Yes I have been gone from the blogging world for several months. The break has been beneficial. I do not feel very wise as some of my valleys have come as a result of my poor choices. I have learned much now. Like most anybody I prefer to avoid them too- but as I reflect on my life I see that these times have given me much. Yes motherhood means an expansion of the heart and that is an interesting thing. Thank you for your visit. Ronda
