"Don't wish me happiness I don't expect to be happy all the time....It's gotten beyond that somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor. I will need them all." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Saturday, 11 April 2015


I've been working in the forest all week. I pick up fallen limbs and lightly rake to gather together in heaps the smaller, finer branches. How do you not feel enthralled when your surrounded by these large trees? Shafts of sunlight wrap tendrils of light around green bough's like the warm arms of an embrace. I cannot see it but there is a pileated woodpecker nearby calling. We find the upper piece of a bird skull. It's bleached white and I spot it easily lying amongst the brown sticks. Looking at the long bill I guess that it is a blue heron. There are no other bones or feathers. I have seen this before as I have another at home that I keep in a cabin window that I found the same way. It's an unsolved mystery reminding me that I don't know everything and that I need to listen more.
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  1. What joy to work among the trees! We do a lot of that here, and there is a peace and tranquility in the forest isn't there! Quite the mystery about the bird skull so deep in the forest! Unusual indeed - always something to ponder :)

    1. Forests are amazing. Thanks for dropping by.

  2. What a perfect kind of day to spend in the woods among nature. It is amazing what you see when you aren't expecting it...blessings to you- xo Diana

  3. Beautiful woods. I would love to come over and explore with you.

  4. I agree exploring is a wonderful way to learn. I like Job 12:7-10 here is part of it."....speak to the earth and it will teach you.....in His hand is life."
