"Don't wish me happiness I don't expect to be happy all the time....It's gotten beyond that somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor. I will need them all." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Saturday 19 February 2022

February 18, 2022

The early Christian church would eventually lose it's rock- Jesus and become pagan. It became so satanic it killed and tortured all who would not agree with it. Is this murderous spirit consistent with the character of Jesus or with his Jewish enemies?

My country is a Christian country as stated in part 1 of the 1982 charter of rights and freedoms. It reads, " Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law." But when I see my government charging, imprisoning and freezing bank accounts of peaceful protesters on parliament hill in Ottawa who do not accept the government's vaccination mandates I question. Isn't this the same evil tyrannical spirit that belongs to the devil and has no place in a truly christian government which is defined by democracy?

Jesus never pushed the gospel on anyone. His gospel was of peace. There is a story where after he healed the demoniacs the people in the surrounding villages asked him to leave and he did. (Mark 5)

How does the spirit of tyranny that I see coming from my federal government represent Jesus and democracy?

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  1. You're right. It doesn't.

    I am actually shocked to read your charter acknowledged God as recently as 1982. How much has changed in such a short time! I am relieved to read your post, however. I thought all of Canada had lost its mind. But there you are, one sane person in the midst of chaos. I am praying for you and your country and mine too. God help us.

  2. Yes, your leader has taken the powers of a dictator and so far, he remains in power. Stealing bank accounts, now that is low. How can people pay rent and buy food? Peaceful protest should be honored and Dictator T should meet with the protestors and find a peaceful resolution. It would be good to see many pastors and other Christians out there helping the truckers.
