"Don't wish me happiness I don't expect to be happy all the time....It's gotten beyond that somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor. I will need them all." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Saturday 25 December 2021

A Christmas cake mishap

Since my move to the east coast some things in life have changed dramatically. I now have running water and I am connected to the electrical power grid. Other things have not changed like the annual tradition of knitting us each a new pair of socks which are usually blue coloured and making a Christmas cake. This year I had decided on substituting the buttercream frosting on the cake for a cream cheese frosting that had very little sugar in it. With all the sickness in the world it makes sense it eat less sugar. This particular cream cheese icing recipe I had eaten in my childhood when my mom made it. I have never made it but my memories assured me it was tasty and I dangerously concluded my young daughter would like it too. I couldn't have been more mistaken. Not only did I realize I didn't like the taste of it but after completely icing the cake my daughter said sadly "Why does the cake look like that?" I did my best to remove the offending icing and than I whipped up a batch of buttercream and made the cake in the picture on this post. My reward was an excited little girl and the unmistakable yummy taste of buttercream that I enjoy as an adult. The whole experience reminded me of the power of perspective. If we both had been willing to change our perspective than we could have accepted the cream cheese frosting. While the intention to go sugar free was healthier we were unwilling to accept a substitution unless of course it resembled buttercream. It reminded me of the Christmas story and how the Jewish leaders were unwilling to accept Jesus as the Messiah. He didn't meet their expectations. They were unwilling to change their perspective even though as he pointed out to them there expectations were biblically incorrect. It made me consider my perspectives. Are they truly biblically based?  Or am I hanging onto them because of tradition or because it is acceptable as truth in the worldly culture of today?

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1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were able to rescue your cake! <3

    Merry Christmas!
