Where does my strength and courage come from? I find it in the words of the sacred, ancient, inspired book. I never tire of reading it, indeed it's light is - "a lamp to my feet." Psalm 119:105. In a few weeks, at the end of march I will have been on this east coast island a year. During this last year there have been many challenges- other than the move itself which I already posted about. When I got here within several weeks the barn roof began leaking and I knew the cottage roof wouldn't make it through another winter. I was blessed with being able to find a good carpenter who quickly put on new roofs. Later, when I took off the skirting on the cottage I discovered one end of the cottage was ready to collapse. This was beyond the expertise of the carpenter but again God made a way out and it was fixed within my budget. Still, I had to put the new skirting on the cottage before winter and I didn't have much time and I was working with a handsaw- would I be able to get the task done? The day after I finished -it snowed and the cold, icy winds of november set in. The next month as I watched the snow falling it didn't take me long to learn that the back of the cottage roof does not shed snow. After a significant snowfall I climbed up a ladder and went onto my roof to shovel the snow off. I did get the snow off but there was a very long minute when I thought I was going to fall but I was given sufficient physical strength and danger was adverted. The rest of the winter I removed the snow using a rake but I was blessed I didn't fall off the ladder I was standing on to use the rake as it was balanced precariously in the snow. His presence is a light to me in the darkest days. His presence is strength to me every day. It's all in the bible- a gift to anyone who will read it and believe.
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