"Don't wish me happiness I don't expect to be happy all the time....It's gotten beyond that somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor. I will need them all." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Saturday, 18 January 2025


One of my biggest joy's last week was seeing a small flock of hoary redpolls. These tiny birds- no more than 5 1/2" long with a tiny red cap are visiting from the arctic where they live and breed on the tundra. They allowed us- my daughter and I to approach them - we were on our bicycles and come quite close. They were eating dirt on the icy road the sanding truck left behind. The experience reminded me of a bible verse in St. Matthew 10: 29-31. "Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows." 

Friday, 18 March 2022

His Love

I'm waiting and listening for a particular sound but I haven't heard it yet. Instead I have heard male, red winged blackbird's calling from the unthawing creek. Another sound I heard was seagull's calling as they flew over the creek. When the temperature is above freezing I hear the sound of dripping water from the thick blanket of snow melting around the cottage. But the sound I am listening for is the ocean.

When I moved with my young daughter I drove 11 days across Canada before I saw the ocean again. It was a long journey for me and it showed me in a physical way the vastness of God's love.

I know that no matter which island I call home He sustains it all. This month is our birthday's and the three year anniversary marking that move. God has been with us when the sea of life was calm and when the storms of life were raging. His love has been eternal like the ocean. No matter how much of a wretch I am He has shown himself to be a God of love and it's this enduring, faithful love that binds me to Him. "We love him, because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19 Happy 10th birthday to my sweet daughter!!

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Saturday, 19 February 2022

February 18, 2022

The early Christian church would eventually lose it's rock- Jesus and become pagan. It became so satanic it killed and tortured all who would not agree with it. Is this murderous spirit consistent with the character of Jesus or with his Jewish enemies?

My country is a Christian country as stated in part 1 of the 1982 charter of rights and freedoms. It reads, " Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law." But when I see my government charging, imprisoning and freezing bank accounts of peaceful protesters on parliament hill in Ottawa who do not accept the government's vaccination mandates I question. Isn't this the same evil tyrannical spirit that belongs to the devil and has no place in a truly christian government which is defined by democracy?

Jesus never pushed the gospel on anyone. His gospel was of peace. There is a story where after he healed the demoniacs the people in the surrounding villages asked him to leave and he did. (Mark 5)

How does the spirit of tyranny that I see coming from my federal government represent Jesus and democracy?

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Tuesday, 1 February 2022


Almighty God I thank you for Jesus and for your love. Help me to be perfect. Forgive my trespasses. Look upon my country with pity and in your great compassion throw off the iron fetters of the Trudeau tyrannical government. Reveal to my fellow Canadians the constant evil lies and corruption of mainstream media including the publicly funded CBC. Give us light. Release us from the snare of communism and socialism the media and government is imposing upon us through fear. Reunite us through democracy, Christian love and honesty. Please save this country- O Lord, for what good will the physical and moral darkness serve? Amen. ( The prayer in the post picture was taken from A Book of Prayers published by the United Church of Canada, 1977)
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Tuesday, 28 December 2021


On PEI it is still possible to see the historic country church. I have woven several samples of these churches- like the picture in this post. Visits to these sites are meaningful to me and I always wonder about the intrinsic value of the building through the blessings in the lives of those attending. In today's world that blessing is being unfairly taken away. In Canada, Quebec require's anyone attending church to be vaccinated. The remaining provinces all have different rules although in Saskatchewan there are no regulations. On PEI churches are limited to 50 attendees and 50% capacity. In biblical times leper's who had been pronounced leperous by a priest were not allowed to attend the synagogue. They were unclean outcasts who had to leave society and live away from everyone else. I see a sad growing similarity between the leper's of biblical times and the unvaccinated. Worshipping God is apparently a privilege not a right anymore. I wonder what God thinks about this? It is an undisputed fact that fetal cell lines were/are used in various stages of vaccinations. It is the legal right of each Canadian to object to vaccination. The Canadian Charter promises the right to worship and the right to individual conscience and this is being broken. It is cruel and illegal. In Canada we have reached a new historic low in human rights violations. Why is it that we cannot learn from history? Man cannot act as a conscience for another. To do so is a violation of the great commandment Jesus gave, "This is my command: Love each other." Ten years ago I could have had an abortion but I didn't. Even when my partner told me to I did not. I knew he was wrong and eventually in time he acknowledged that. I chose to trust God and I will tell you today that I made the right choice. Thank God I did. My daughter is my life. Yes abortion is legal. Yes it is permitted by most church organizations. But it is a sin. It is murder. It invoked God's wrath on the Israelites- Jeremiah7:30-34. There is no difference in the heinous action of ancient Israel sacrificing babies on the alters of Baal or modern day abortion. Infusing it with the morality of today's church only serves to show how far the church has separated itself from God. Our life came from a holy God, " And God said, Let us make man in our image," Genesis 1:26 and that makes all human life very sacred.

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Saturday, 18 December 2021

What is love?

I took this picture of a stained glass window while standing outside of an island country church. The banner above it reads, "The Lord is my Shepherd." When I see the limitations and lack of human love that humans have for each other I am awed by God's love for us. Christmas is a love story. It is a marvel that instead of the purity and perfection of a God pushing us away from himself because we are not good enough instead He binds us to himself through the heavenly gift of Jesus to humanity. This is the example He gave to us. He was the physical manifestation of Immanuel- God with us. I am so dismayed when I see what is happening throughout the historically Christian countries of both the USA and Canada. In the Canadian national anthem we sing, " God keep our land glorious and free," and today that is my prayer. In Canada under the Canadian charter of rights, section 6 it reads, " Every citizen  of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada." Currently under the Trudeau government if you do not have your covid vaccinations you have lost the right to leave Canada. In New Brunswick, the province neighbouring Prince Edward Island their provincial government as part of their winter plan has given permission for grocery stores to ban the unvaccinated from entering. This is in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 25 which states "all have the right to food." How does God feel about coercion? Scripture says, "So God created man in his own image." Genesis 1:27 Free choice was a part of that and it was given to the first man and woman. After they sinned, he never took away the power of choice from mankind. Under ancient mosaic law which was established by God, Israelite's were allowed to be slaves but only for six years and in the seventh year they were to be released. Not only were they to be given their freedom but they were to be given liberal gifts. There owners were to adopt a mentality of joy and if they obeyed a promise of prosperity was given -Deuteronomy 15:12-18. We all have the choice whether we will serve God or not. "choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, Joshua 24:15. Salvation is a free gift determined by one's choices. God forces no one to serve him. God value's the power of choice so much and continues to give it despite the terrible atrocities done. Mandatory vaccination is sin because it violates the free choice God gave and intended for humanity. What is sin will result in unhappiness and God cannot bless sin and as history has shown repeatedly this is not the pathway to a prosperous country. God gave us our individual freedom and that He respects it is astounding considering He made us. We must stand up against this tyranny and advocate free choice for our neighbour for that is real love.

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Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Surviving Christmas

I will never understand why my partner treats me the way he does. I know that at least part of that perspective is built upon lies. But whatever and however hurtful to me that perspective is, it is reality to him and he uses it to justify himself. There have been times however when he has given me valuable feedback and even a few times he gave me money. He is however, by his choice to my daughter an absent father. I have noticed that I am better able to cope with living when I don't focus on myself, my perspective as a mother and how I perceive it all as grossly unfair. I do my best at living daily life when I look away from self. Still, I feel like I don't belong on this planet, I am tired of mean people and there are a lot of them out there. I notice when someone is genuinely kind to me. I look forwards to heaven and I long to be in the company of the saints there. I know than I will finally quit hurting. "and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations...neither shall there be any more pain," Rev 21: 4; 22:2. So the hope of heaven encourages me. I try to live within the framework that maybe someday he will change. Maybe his perspective will change. As for the hurt I have - it never really goes away. There are however days stacked together when it is in the background instead of the foreground. I have forgiven him but not myself. I do appreciate the sweet, simpleness of the days and that is how I would characterize living alone without him. My daughter is my world and in the picture we are wearing socks I knit. God is very real to me. He has given me the strength each step of the way. He has provided the care I need. He has not failed me. Whatever situation you find yourself in over the holiday season God will help you too. Just give him a chance and ask. Merry Christmas to each of you.

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