"Don't wish me happiness I don't expect to be happy all the time....It's gotten beyond that somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor. I will need them all." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Thursday, 19 March 2015

The goldfish

We were in town last week and we made a side trip to a store that sells fish. They had one orange goldfish left. It was small and very active; darting around in the big tank with the green gravel and plastic plants. So for 1.49 Fishy became ours. I bought him some food and a water thermometer which cost 14.49. For now Fishy resides in his home which sits on the kitchen table. The first few days he spent his time charging into the glass barrier. Ting, ting, ting I heard and I wondered if he was ok. Lately, he seems to have accepted his boundaries as all is quiet. One of life's boundary's is time. After all we are only given so much of it. Fishy does not have a choice to change his boundaries but I can choose what I will do with the time that I have left. It's my daughter's birthday tomorrow and mine is Saturday. On the eve of both of these happy events I am reminded of the precious, irreplacable gift of time.


  1. Beautiful, Ronda. We should never squander time. It is such a precious gift. Happy birthday to both you and your daughter. xo Laura

    1. How very sweet of you Laura! I'm happy to have met you.

  2. Give my welcome to Fishy! Know that he will love his new and loving home once he accepts his new boundaries! Enjoy your birthdays together - that is just amazing that you both share birthdays a day apart! Love and hugs to you and your little one today :)

    1. Thank you! She is my present. Fishy is a delight. Isn't it the simple things that often give the most pleasure? Sending hugs back.

  3. Happy Birthday to you and your daughter. How fun to be able to have your bds so close together. You are right- our time is really fleeting ...and it moves us along so fast. I have had this incredible sense of time passing since I can remember. I would project years ahead and wonder where I would be at certain ages...and they came all too fast.

    Did you know that goldfish will grow to the size dictated by their container. The bigger your container the bigger the goldfish will get. My daughter had them for years....and years....and dirty tank years.....lol xo Diana

    1. Thank you Diana. The last three years have passed swiftly. It seems like only a heartbeat ago when she was a tiny baby. I didn't know that about the fish. How very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thank you Teri!! It's lovely to hear from you.

  5. AMEN AMEN. I have been reading selected poems by various poets in a book intended for teachers, to celebrate the courage it takes to teach. Being a teacher, I KNOW....and one of the poems I love is Mary Oliver's THE SUMMER DAY. If you have never read it, please do so. If you have, read it again. This is how I want to spend my one "Wild and Precious life."

    Be well sweet friend! Anita

    1. While I am familiar with some of her poetry this was a new one for me. It's raw, honest and beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Happy belated birthday to both you and your sweet daughter. Hugs, Nancy

  7. Happy Birthday to you and your daughter. I enjoyed reading this post. Wishing you a blessed year.
    xx oo

  8. Happy Birthdays!! We have a goldfish, his name is Dennis and has been our for about five years. We laugh and say that he is the longest living fish in captivity. ;)

    1. Thank you. Dennis is obviously doing very well.
