"Don't wish me happiness I don't expect to be happy all the time....It's gotten beyond that somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor. I will need them all." Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Thursday 20 June 2019

My help!

I wove this very small tapestry which measures 8 inches wide by 7 inches high from embroidery floss and thread while living on the west coast. When I walked the beaches I saw mountains and when they were snow covered in a sunrise they were spectacular. They reminded me to look -up to Him and that encouraged me. No matter what was overwhelming me - He was bigger. There are no mountains here but I am blessed with their memory and I have this tapestry to remind me of this Psalm.


  1. Beautiful. I find comfort in having words like that surround me to remind me, as well. I just wish I were as creative as you.

  2. Kim - I don’t know that I’m that creative. Your creative to in a different way and I enjoy reading your blog to see how you express it. I’ve been weaving tapestry for many years and this tapestry reflects where I was about a year ago and as I continue to work and improve I know that what I will be weaving in the future will be improved upon. There is always room for learning and growth for me. The weaving like God is a central part of my life and I like to share that here in the hopes that someone like minded finds hope and interest in what I share.

  3. Very lovely, and a wonderful reminder of God's faithfulness in difficult days.

  4. Thank-you. It is the dark days and the flawed tapestries that have taught me so much. I am grateful to them for that.

  5. The verses are beautiful as if the tapestry.

  6. Marie- these words have encouraged me so much. I can’t describe the thrill at my attempt to illustrate them. Thank you for your comment.

  7. Beautiful work! Love the bible verse!

    1. Angela- I miss your blog and I hope you are doing ok. Thank you for commenting. You made me smile today.

  8. Incredibly beautiful Ronda! You captured the light beautifully on the mountains, I've seen it many times, and it never ceases to amaze me! Such a beautiful reminder of the glorious beauty our Creator makes just for us!!!

    1. Hi Marilyn At times it is hard for us to understand His love isn’t it? The more time I spend in scripture and in nature the more clearly I see it.

  9. Thank you for this verse today
    I wrote it down
    We have recently found out my husband has a medical issue
    God is our rock and support
    He will never leave us

  10. Linda I will pray for you and your husband. I have a lot of issue’s here that could be overwhelming- I haven’t written about them yet but in time I will. I am so happy you found this Psalm meaningful enough to write down. I have them all over my cottage and I change them up at times to. God is good - He has given us so many promises.

  11. awesome article..
    thank for sharing :)

  12. What a beautiful piece of artwork, Ronda. A wonderful memory "keeper". xo Diana
